1 min read

Filament: Add Action Button to Form Component

Quick Tips - Filament


To add a [Filament Action Button](https://filamentphp.com/docs/actions) within the Filament Form component include the following: ```php Forms\Components\Actions::make([ Forms\Components\Actions\Act...

2 min read

Tailwind CSS Gradient Text

Quick Tips - Tailwind CSS


Tailwind CSS (https://tailwindcss.com) is a utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to easily and quickly create custom designs. One cool feature of Tailwind is the ability to add gradients...

2 min read

Laravel JSON column management made easy with AsArrayObject cast

Laravel - Quick Tips


Hey there! 👋 If you're using Laravel to build your web applications, you might have come across JSON columns in your database tables. While they can be super useful for storing data, it can be a pain...

1 min read

Laravel: How to update pivot columns

Laravel - Quick Tips


Suppose you're dealing with a complex database schema where you have a many-to-many relationship between two tables connected by a pivot table with additional columns. In such cases, if you need to up...

2 min read

How to Use Laravel Model Events on Pivot Tables

Laravel - Quick Tips


In a Laravel app, you may want to assign `users` to `tasks` while also tracking who assigned each `user` to a `task`. By utilizing Laravel's model events on pivot tables, this is easily achievable. T...

1 min read

Laravel: Define default model data for BelongsTo relationships

Laravel - Quick Tips


🔥 Laravel Tip: Default Models Speed up your Laravel development with default models in relationships. No more redundant null checks!

2 min read

PHP in_array Function: How to Avoid Errors Caused by Loose Type Checking

PHP - Quick Tips


Have you ever encountered a situation where the in_array function in PHP returns unexpected results? For instance, even though you have an array of boolean values and you're searching for the string '...

1 min read

Laravel: Remove trailing slash from url via middleware

Laravel - Quick Tips


In Laravel, every existing route URL can be utilized both with and without a trailing slash, and you'll receive a `HTTP 200` response in either case. However, for search engine optimization purposes,...